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Nature For All

Course Description

Nature for All's Young Naturalist Ambassadors training program is a free California Naturalist Training opportunity for 16- 24-year-olds from Panorama City. The California Naturalist course combines classroom and field experience in environmental justice, local ecology, interpretation/public speaking, community service and more. Upon completing certification requirements, participants are eligible for four academic units through UC Davis Extension for an additional nominal fee!

Dates: TBA

Delivery Mode: In-Person

Contact: Araceli Hernandez, araceli@lanatureforall.org   

Course Website

Organization Description: Nature for All has been working to protect the public lands and green, open spaces around Los Angeles and connect Angelenos to nature since 2008, when we formed as the San Gabriel Mountains Forever coalition. Since then, we have expanded our mission to conserve resources and be more climate-resilient; create more natural spaces such as parks and bike paths in our historically under-served neighborhoods; and connect people and public lands through more trails and other outdoor recreational opportunities, to improve public health.