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Davis, CA 95618
(530) 750-1265

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Greg is the Director of UC Environmental Stewards, a statewide program within the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Greg provides programmatic and operational leadership to this collective impact network involving over 65 community-based partner organizations and over 8,000 course alumni. Through this collaboration, our partners deliver two UC-branded, adult, education and service courses: 1) California Naturalist and/or 2) Climate Stewards. The program currently certifies over 1,000 participants each year who go on to provide an average of 35,000 hours of volunteers service in support of local environmental stewardship. Greg's interests include inquiry-based instruction, cultural competency in environmental education, participatory and community science, and innovative approaches to achieving collective impact through social franchising and communities of practice. Prior to joining UC ANR, Greg was the Director of the Office of Environmental Education in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Director of the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture program at the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction. Greg is a member of the California Naturalist and Environmental Education Workgroups and the Climate Change Program Team.
- Outstanding Evaluation Program Presented by Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Professionals,
Presented by Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Professionals, https://anrosp.wildapricot.org/National-Conference, 2018
- Outstanding Team
Presented by Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Professionals, https://anrosp.wildapricot.org/News/4035641, 2017
Environmental Stewardship, Environmental Education, Climate Change Education, Natural History Training, Program Management, Collective Impact, Workforce Development, Social Franchise.Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Communication, Education, and Information Delivery
- Conservation and Efficient Use of Water
- Watershed Protection and Management
- Natural Resources, General
- Conservation of Biological Diversity
- Climate Change
- Responding To Climate Change
- Natural Resources
- Water
- Wildlife
- Sustainable Natural Ecosystems
- Water Quality, Quantity, and Security
- Science Literacy in Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Nutrition
Peer Reviewed
Nelson S-M, Ira G, Merenlender AM. Adult Climate Change Education Advances Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Agency for Community-Scale Stewardship. Sustainability. 2022; 14(3):1804. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031804
Teaching an experiential field course via online participatory science projects: A COVID-19 case study of a UC California Naturalist course. Ecol Evol. 2021; 11: 3537– 3550. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7187
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Non-Peer Reviewed
- Ira, Gregory; Doyle, Helen (2023). A match made in stewardship: California Naturalists and UC Natural Reserves. UC Natural Reserve System Newsletter. July 5, 2023.
- Ira, Gregory (2022). Ten Strands Blog. July 7, 2022. https://tenstrands.org/author/gregory-ira/
- Ira, Gregory; Gingg, Beverly, et al. (2022). Education, Outreach, & Engagement: Lessons from the Field. The 8th California Oak Symposium. San Luis Obispo, CA. 51. October 31-November 3, 2022. https://ucanr.edu/sites/oaksymposium/files/375103.pdf
Nelson, Sarah-Mae; Ira, Greg (2020). UC Climate Stewards Course. A. Merenlender and K. Meadows, eds. September 30, 2020.
Drill, Sabrina; Meyer, Ryan; Ballard, Heidi; Angulo, Sarah; Ira, Greg (2018). Supporting Community and Citizen Science: UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and California Naturalist. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs. 13. 9/13/2018. https://anrosp.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/ANROSP%202018%20Agenda%20-%20DRAFT.pdf
Drill, Sabrina; Adina, Merenlender.; Gamble, Brook; Foreman, Shayna; Ira, Greg; Raleigh, Carrie; Rodriguez, Marisa (2017). UC California Naturalist Instructor Training Manual. UC California Naturalist. 107.
ANR Workgroup Associations
- California Naturalist - Chair
- Career/College Readiness & Workforce Development - Member
- Disaster Preparedness and Response - Member
- Environmental Education - Member
- Water and Environmental Justice - Member